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Pradesh BJYM president and BJP MLA of 16-Bishalgarh Constituency Sushanta Deb claimed that people across Tripura are happy with the works of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and that they want him in power again.

Addressing in the joining ceremony on Monday at Kamalasagar, Pradesh BJYM president and BJP MLA of 16-Bishalgarh   Sushanta Deb said, 106 voters from CPI-M joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He also expressed hope that people will leave various parties and will join BJP in the coming days. The BJP-led Tripura government is working for overall development of the people of the state. Tripura has created a model of ‘good governance and protection of people’ under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the people of the state would have to carry forward the tradition, he added. Pradesh BJYM president and BJP MLA of 16-Bishalgarh Constituency Sushanta Deb handed over the party flags to them in the joining ceremony.

The Narendra Modi government scaled up various welfare schemes keeping the poor in focus and expedited their implementation. The Modi government scaled up schemes and enhanced speed to achieve targets so that they reached the last person in society, he added.

India has emerged as a strong, self-reliant country under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi. Due to his policies and decisions in the interest of the country, India’s reputation has grown all over the world, he said.

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