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Assam Rifles on 10 May in Agartala organised an Hybrid Seminar on “Suicide Prevention in Security Forces and their families” . The said event was attended by more than 700 personnel including the families of soldiers through physical and online mode. The talk was live telecasted to troops and families at Radhanagar, Teliamura, Udaipur, Lokra and other Assam Rifles stations.

Dr. Priyojyiti Chakma, Asst Professor of Tripura Medical College and a  leading Psychologist in Tripura conducted the awareness lecture which included practical knowledge on the indicators and preventive measures of suicide. The talk also covered certain case studies of patients treated by the speaker.

The lecture was followed by question answer sessions and saw encouraging response from online attendees also. The live conversation between the attendes and the speaker provided a platform for the attendes to discuss their stress related problems and its remedial measures.

 The talk holds special importance in today’s environment full of stress and anxiety attributed to various internal and external factors. The one of its kind event was taken very positively by one and all and is aligned to Assam Rifles focus on constant endeavour to improve physical and mental health  of the force.

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