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Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) State President Rajib Bhattacharjee on Friday urged the youths to stay away from the destructive path of drug addiction and hoped that they would devote themselves to nation building upholding the ideals of morality, honesty, patriotism and humanity.

Speaking to reporters in the inaugural ceremony of a state-of-the-art gym called GS Fitness at Ashram Chowmuhani Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) State President Rajib Bhattacharjee urged the youths to refrain from drug abuse.

Calling upon them to stand on their own feet and not rely on others, he said that the youths were the main driving force of the country and they would lead the nation in the future. “All have to remain alert so that they (youths) don’t go to the wrong path,” he added.

Drug abuse and its trafficking had created havoc in the society particularly damaging and destroying the young generation from whom lot of expectations of the not only from the parents but also from the general masses, he added.

But for this drug abuse, the future of hundreds of young people have been dashed to ground and the Kingpins and peddlers are the instruments for bringing such destruction in the society which needs to be dealt with strong and iron hands at each level, Rajib Bhattacharjee added.

“The present government is working ruthlessly against drugs taking strict actions following which many people were arrested. The general public and social organizations should collaborate with the police and government to combat this issue,” he claimed, adding that it is essential for all to join hands in eradicating the drug menace in the state. 

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