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Indian Society of Radiographers and Technologists (ISRT), Tripura and Professional Radiography Association of Tripura jointly organized an awareness rally in the heart of the capital city to spread awareness among the common people on the occasion of World Radiography Day on Wednesday.

Addressing the reporters, Dr. Dilip Das said, “World Radiography Day is observed on November 8 every year and people celebrate the day because it marks the anniversary of the birth of X-rays”.

“X-Ray plays a huge role in the medical industry as one of the diagnostic tools that help doctors to discover a range of problems, and diagnose diseases to treat them better and in time. X-rays have made the diagnosis of disease easy and painless. This day also helps recognize the hard work of radiographers and radiologists who make X-rays possible”, he added.

Dr. Raichand Saha, Dr. Ashim Dey and Dr. Anup Saha were also present in the awareness rally.

World Radiography Day is a global healthcare awareness event observed on the 8th of November every year to increase public awareness with respect to the vital role of diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy and radiographer play in healthcare management.

The World Radiography Day Theme is “Celebrating patient safety”. The theme emphasises the importance of the professional role in maintaining the efficiency of healthcare systems and in ensuring patient safety beyond radiation protection. 

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