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Preparations are going on in full swing with artisans having a busy time making idols of goddess Saraswati, also hailed as Goddess of Knowledge, to meet the demand of customers.

Meanwhile, all educational institutions from colleges, schools to tuition and coaching centers conduct special prayers for Saraswati on this day. During this period, students also enjoy a break from studies. Piles of books, as is the tradition, adored the goddess of knowledge on both sides.

Artisans are seen busy in shaping the idol of Goddess Saraswati as the Saaraswati puja will be celebrated across the state of February 14. Tripura is all set to welcome goddess Saraswati.

It is to  be mentioned here that with just counting hours left for the puja celebration, the most popular market of Agartala, MG Bazaar and Battala Bazaar have decked up with displaying idols of Goddess Saraswati, and other stuffs required for performing puja.  People have already started buying idols, fruits, and other stuffs required for the performing the much awaited Saraswati Puja.

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