0 1 min 1 yr

The Royal Scion and the Chairman of TIPRA Motha Pradyot Kishore Manikya Deb Burman today inaugurated Drug Rehabilitation Centre in the TTAADC headquarter of Khumulwng.

Addressing in the inaugural session Pradyot Kishore Manikya Deb Burman alleged that involvement of politicians in promoting drugs across the state. He said, “The policy of Nesha Mukt Tripura also known as Drug-Free Tripura introduced by the state government here should also focus on tackling the involvement of politicians who promote drugs.”

“Tripura is presently going through the problems of drug menace, which is mainly affecting the indigenous youths of the state,” he said, adding that there is a need to enhance the policy of rejecting drugs for the survival and strength of the indigenous community.

Underling the destructive impact of drugs on society, Pradyot called for effective countermeasures and expressed his appreciation for TTAADC’s proactive step.

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