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More public awareness is needed to build plastic free Tripura said Chief Minister of Tripura Dr. Manik Saha while addressing in the inaugural session of one month long “Plastic Free Tripura Abhiyan” at Agartala Town Hall on Saturday.

If the people of the state are fully aware of the harm caused due to the usage of plastic, then only the people will stop using plastic, he added. 

Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha shared that though we are aware of the ill effects of single use plastics but we are not being able to do enough to avoid their ill effects. Single-use plastics are typically items that are discarded after being used only once and do not go through the recycling process. Heavy usage of plastics across the world has caused quite a lot of menace, governments and various global regulatory bodies are trying hard to arrest it, he added.

This plastic pollution is not only harming marine life but also entering our food chain and our bloodstream posing a significant threat to human health. Conventional plastics break down into micro and nano plastics quickly which stay in our biological cycles for thousands of years. They often end up in landfills or are leaked in the environment, finding their way into the oceans, he mentioned.

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