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Tripura government has targeted 1 lakh 48 thousand hectare area for Aman paddy cultivation across the state and to meet this target a special program called ‘Chief Minister’s Integrated Crop Management Program’ has been undertaken by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare said Minister of Power, Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare and Election Department Ratan Lal Nath.

Addressing in a press conference at Secretariat in his office room on Monday, Minister of Power, Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare and Election Department Ratan Lal Nath said that to achieve the target of Aman paddy cultivation in 1 lakh 48 thousand hectare area, the state government will spend an additional 65 crore 77 lakh rupees.

He said, due to less rainfall this year, the production of Aus rice is not as expected that much. So, special programs have been undertaken to increase the production of Aman rice this year.

The Minister further said that the current state government has given more importance to doubling the income of farmers and increasing the production of agricultural crops.

Since the formation of the present government till now 1 lakh 71 thousand metric tons of paddy has been procured from the farmers at minimum support price (MSP) and for this the state government has spent a total of Rs. 327 crore. It has been decided to purchase a total of 35 thousand metric tons of paddy from the farmers this year at the minimum support price. Already 1 thousand 931 metric tons of paddy has been purchased from 1 thousand 177 farmers, Ratan Lal Nath added.

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