The BJP-led Tripura government will set up De-Addiction Centres in all districts of the state to help the addicts overcome their addiction disease, said chief minister Dr. Manik Saha after inaugurating the Agartala Government Nursing College at IGM Hospital on Tuesday.
Eight De-Addiction Centres with 50 beds capacity each will be set up in all districts of the state. Rs 1 thousand 756 crores have been kept in this year’s budget for the development of health department, he added. This nursing college has been developed with modern infrastructure including smart class, hostels and other facilities, he said.
Plans have been taken to build a health hub in the state by bringing all the branches, colleges and institutions linked with health services including nursing institute under Medical Education Directorate. With the thought Health is Wealth, the state government is making efforts to expand health services and health infrastructure in the state, the chief minister added.
The Chief Minister said, 100 Health Sub-Centres will be built in the state for expansion of health services. That is why, 30 crore rupees has been allocated for this in the current budget. The chief Minister said, from the academic year 2023-24, ANM Training Institute in Udaipur of Gomati district had been upgraded to 40-seated GNM Institute.
The BJP-led Tripura government is working for overall development including the development of the Healthcare system which is a priority sector of the present state government. Our government is a pro-people government. Our main aim is to how we can help people and how they can be benefitted. Our government is working to provide all kinds of benefits to people and keeping a close eye on their problems, the chief minister said.
Tripura will also go a long way in alleviating the suffering of patients in neighbouring districts of Bangladesh who incur heavy expenses for treatment in bigger Indian states. Taking advantage of proximity, patients from the neighbouring country can come here for treatment. Tripura should be made a health hub. In our state now we are getting better quality treatment. We are now moving towards super specialities. Medical services have been expanded in many areas, he said.
Secretary of Health and Family Welfare department Dr. Debashish Basu said, 175 nurses will be recruited very soon. Besides, 100 more nurses will be appointed on contract basis.