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Today’s students are tomorrow’s future, they will lead the country in the days to come. In this view, every student needs to develop the mentality of Seva to make the country stronger, said Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha after inaugurating the seven-day special NSS camp & blood donation camp organized at Bani Vidyapith Girls’ HS School, Agartala on Monday.

Students are like clay, we need to mould them. Today, the main aim of schools cannot be limited to only imparting education but it should include wholesome development of students,” he asserts.

Students are the backbone of a country. They are like the roots of a tree. A student performs a great role in the betterment of the country. He is the future of the country. Intelligent and hardworking students serve as strong pillars.  As the whole building stands on the pillars, similarly the whole future of the country stands on the shoulders of a student, he added.

You need to believe in yourself. Start competing with yourself and make sure that your present is better than your past. “Integrity, honesty and hard work cannot be compensated by any other shortcut. Integrity and hard work are key to success in every field or endeavor in our life,” the chief minister said.

Students are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. Although the reading rate among students has decreased in the digital age, there is no substitute for books. He urged the students to read books to strengthen their power of thinking.

Mayor of Agartala Municipal Corporation Dipak Majumder and other dignitaries were present.

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